National Recruitment Agency (NRA) logo design contest: Check all details

NRA logo design contest: Indian government has announced a contest to design a logo for the newly formed National Recruitment Agency (NRA). Any Indian citizen can participate in the logo design contest and there is no entry fee to participate in this contest. The winner will get 25000/- Rs prize money. Even government employees can also take participate after getting approval or a no-objection letter from their employer.

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nra logo design contest

How to participate in the NRA logo design contest

Any Indian citizen can participate in the NRA logo design contest. Contestants will have to make their profile on portal. After making the profile please make sure that all the details in the profile such as Name, Email Id, Phone No., Address, etc are correct. Details under mygov profile will be used for further communication and announcement of the prize winner.

After completing the profile on all contestants must submit a logo that will represent the spirit of the NRA and is relevant to the activities and work for which NRA will be responsible.

The objectives of the NRA are as under:

  • (i)To mitigate the hardships being faced by candidates who have to appear for multiple examinations conducted by multiple recruitment agencies, for such posts for which similar eligibility conditions have been prescribed.
  • (ii)To bring in savings to the candidates towards multiple application fees, traveling and other costs to appear in these examinations.
  • (iii)To meet its objectives to conduct Common Eligibility Tests (CETs) and such other recruitment tests, as the Central Government may direct.
  • (iv)To improve access to rural candidates by setting up at least one test center in every district.
  • (v)To increase the frequency of CET at each level and to facilitate candidates to schedule tests and choose a center of their choice.
  • (vi)To conduct CET in a swift, efficient and transparent manner and reduce the time taken in the selection process.
  • (vii)Conduct quality screening tests of relevant recruitments for the participating agencies.
  • (viii)To facilitate employment generation – the CET score could be shared with other recruiting agencies in the Central Government, State Governments/Union Territories, Public Sector Undertakings, autonomous bodies, and Private Sector on MoU/Cost-sharing basis, for appointment in their organizations. This would help such organizations in saving costs and time spent on recruitment.

Logo image (jpg, tiff, BMP) must be a high resolution (600 dpi) and should fulfill the following criteria-

  • It has to be original
  • JPEG, BMP, TIFF, or PDF formats are acceptable
  • Must bear the lion’s capitol
  • It can be of multi-color but should also be reproducible in monochrome
  • It has to be suitable to be reproduced at a size of 2.5 cm X 2.5 cm
  • Suitable to be scaled down or up.
  • Should be appropriate for any web device and any kind of print material.
  • The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable, or inappropriate content

A brief description of the logo must be submitted along with the logo in Hindi or English.

Evaluation criteria for selection of prize winner

Based on the below-given criteria, the winner will get Rs 25000/- as prize money.

ParticularMaximum Marks
Relevance to NRA’s activities/challenges in the recruitment sector40
Design/Aesthetic value30
Reproducibility in multi-color or monochrome15
Scalability  –  legibility  (upscaling-200%  and  down  scalability  – 2.5cm * 2.5 cm)15

If you want to participate in this contest, please do it as soon as possible. The last date to participate is 31st October 2020. Till now a total of 119 entries have been received out of which 1 entry has been approved for final consideration.

Earlier, Dr. Jitendra Singh said in a written reply in Lock Sabha that the Common Eligibility Test will be conducted from Spetember 2021.

The Common Eligibility Test will replace the Tier-1 exam conducted by the already existing recruiting agencies such as RRBs, SSC, and IBPS.


  1. Logo Contest for National Recruitment Agency,, Oct. 06, 2020. Accessed on: Oct. 10, 2020. [Online]. Available:
  2. Design a Logo for National Recruitment Agency (NRA)Terms and Conditions,, Oct. 06, 2020. Accessed on: Oct. 10, 2020. [Online]. Available:

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