“To track the Voter ID card application status, visit the new Voters portal voters.eci.gov.in, click the Track Application Status link, login to your account, and enter your application reference ID. The current status of your application will be shown on the screen.“
You can use the above steps to easily track the status of your Voter ID Card online application. If you need more explanation, a complete step-by-step process, and different ways to check the application status, please read this article below and check all the latest updates.
“New Update July 2023: We want to inform everyone that the old NVSP portal has been migrated to the new Voter ECI portal. Previously the portal was available on https://www.nvsp.in/. Now citizens can access all the services and information on the new portal which is accessible at https://voters.eci.gov.in/.[1]“
This article has been updated with the latest information and step-by-step procedures.
NVSP Voter ID Card Application Status Tracking
Application tracking facility is available on the official web portal. If you have applied for the new Voter ID card or you have made any corrections then you must have an idea about the current status of your application.
There may be different statuses such as your application may be completed or it may be under process or it may be rejected due to some reasons.
That’s why the online application tracking facility is very important and all citizens can use it by using their smartphones. There is no need to visit any government office and you can access this facility from the comfort of your home.
Track Voter ID Card Status on the New ECI Voter’s Portal
Citizens can follow the simple steps below to check the status of their application.
Step 1: Visit the official website
Visit the newly launched Voter portal at voters.eci.gov.in.
Step 2: Log in to your account
The next step is to log in to your account.
Note: Now you will have to log in to your Voters service portal if you want to check the status of your submitted application.
Click the Login link in the top right corner. You will be directed to the voters portal login page. Login to your account by entering your registered mobile number and password.
Step 3: Click the application tracking link
After login, you will again directed to the Voters Service Portal homepage. On the homepage, click the Track Application Status link on the right side. The application tracking page will appear on the screen (as shown below).

Step 4: Check the status
Enter the application reference number that you got after submitting your application. Select the state where you have submitted your application and press the Submit button.
Your application status will be shown on the computer screen.
Note: If you don’t have an account then first register an online account. The online account allows citizens to access various Voters Service portal services through self-service mode.
You can register an account by following the below steps.
- Visit the official website voters.eci.gov.in.
- Click the sign-up link on the homepage.
- Enter your mobile number, email address, and captcha code.
- Register your new account.
If you are an Indian Overseas Elector then select the second tab to register a new account.
Also read,
Track application status on voterportal.eci.gov.in
You can track voter ID card status in two ways.
- Check the status through the new NVSP Voter’s Service portal
- Check the status on the alternate Voter portal
We want to inform all the readers that now there are two portals where citizens can access different voter id card related services such as applying for a new voter ID card, downloading E-EPIC, etc and finding details about BLO, constituency, Electoral Roll, etc related information.
- The first portal is the National Voter’s Service Portal which was available on the old website https://www.nvsp.in/ and is currently available on the new website https://voters.eci.gov.in/.
- The other one was also launched recently which is accessible at https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/. It was designed differently but now the design, services, and functionality are the same as the https://voters.eci.gov.in/. portal.
Citizens can use any portal. We advise you to check the status from the https://voters.eci.gov.in/ portal which is the latest updated web portal to access voter services online.
What Information is Available on the Status Tracking Page?
Once you follow the above steps to check the current status of your application, you will see the below-mentioned web page on the new Voter’s portal.

Here you can see a table including important details about your application such as…
- Reference Number: This is a unique ID given to all applications after the submission on the Voters portal. This reference number helps track the status of the application.
- State: Refers to the state in which the voter is registered or submitting the application to register.
- AC (Assembly Constituency): This refers to the specific electoral constituency in a state where the applicant is applying to register as a new voter.
- First Name: First name of the applicant applying for voter registration.
- Last Name: Last name or surname of the applicant applying for voter registration.
- Form Type: It is the type of form the applicant submits online. It may be Form 6 for new voter ID, Form 8 for correction, replacement, or shifting place, or it may be any other form.
- Submission Date: The date on which the applicant applied.
- Current Status: This section shows the current status of the applicant’s application that he submitted online. There may be different statuses such as “Under Review,” “Approved,” “Rejected,” or “Pending Verification,” etc.
You can also click the Arrow in the last column to check more details about the current status.
When I updated my mobile number and photograph online through the Form 8 on voters.eci.gov.in portal, I also checked my application status. My application status was “Enroll Update” (as shown below).

As you can see in the above image of my application status.
- I have submitted my Form 8 application on November 29, 2023.
- BLO was also assigned on the same day.
- Field verification was completed on November 30, 2023.
- Application accepted on December 6, 2023.
- Initially, my status was ‘Submitted’ and after 2 to 3 months my status changed to ‘Enroll Update’.
- My updated Voter ID card was also delivered.
How to check the Voter ID delivery status?
As you can see in the above image, A delivery tracking link is also available there. I was able to check my delivery status also by clicking this link.
How to Track the Complaint Status?
Citizens can submit their complaints or share their suggestions online on the voters.eci.gov.in portal and also check the complaint status online. If you have submitted any complaint online on the Voter Portal then you can find out if your complaint has been resolved or not by checking the status.
- Visit the Voter Portal voters.eci.gov.in.
- Click the ‘Register Complaint/ Share Suggestion‘ link on the homepage.
- You will be redirected to the National Grievance Redressal System2.
- You can use the Voter Mitra chatbot to track the status of your complaints.
- Click the Track Status link.
- Login to your Voters account by entering your registered mobile number, password, and captcha code.
- Now click the ‘Voter Mitra’ chatbot in the bottom right corner.
- Select the category and subcategory of your grievance[3].
- Follow the further process as suggested by the chatbot.
For more information about how to use the Voter Mitra chatbot, please check out this Voter Mitra guide
Track the Voter ID Status by Searching Name in the Electoral Roll
There is another way to track the voter ID application status by searching your voter information online on the official Electoral Search portal4. Please check the steps given below.
Step 1. Open the official portal at https://electoralsearch.eci.gov.in/. You may also visit the Voters Service Portal and click the “Search in Electoral Roll” link5.
Step 2. You will get two options to search for voter details.
- विवरण द्वारा खोज / Search by Details
- पहचान-पत्र क्र. द्वारा खोज / Search by EPIC No.
- मोबाइल द्वारा खोजें / Search by Mobile
1- Search by Details: The voter ID Search by name option will appear here. You will see a search form (as shown below).

In this form enter the required fields such as your Name, Father’s / Husband’s Name, Date of Birth or Age, and State. You may select District and Assembly Constituency.
After that fill in the captcha code and click the Search button. Your Voter ID information will be displayed on the next screen.
ii- Search by EPIC No.: If you click this EPIC number search option, you will see a new search form (see below image).

In this search form enter your EPIC No. (10 digit Voter ID number), select your state, fill in the captcha code, and click the Search button. Your Voter ID details will be available on the next screen.
iii- मोबाइल द्वारा खोजें / Search by Mobile:
- Select the मोबाइल द्वारा खोजें / Search by Mobile option.
- Select your state and language.
- Enter your registered mobile number and captcha code.
- Complete the OTP verification process.
- Finally, click the Search button to get your voter ID information.
If you find your name in the electoral roll by using any one of the above three methods then it is clear that the status of your application is ‘Approved’.
Track NVST Status on the Voter Helpline Mobile App
The Election Commission of India has also developed a mobile help for voters which also provides the same functionalities and services similar to the online portal.
Citizens can apply for a new Voter ID card and check the status of their application directly through the mobile app. The Election Commission of India also got the eGovernance ‘Award of Excellence’ for cVIGIL and Voter Helpline App in 2019[6].
How to download the mobile app?
You can download the mobile app with the help of the below-given steps.
- Open the Google Play Store app on your mobile phone and search for “Voter Helpline”.
- After the search, you will see some app download options.
- You will have to download the official app from the Election Commission of India (as shown below).

- After locating the correct app click the Install button. The app will be downloaded on your smartphone. Now you can open the app and register or log in to use any service.
Citizens can also click the direct download links given below.
Platform | Download link | Current version |
Android7 | Click here | 10.2.9 |
iOS8 | Click here | 4.6.0 |
How to track the status?
Please follow the below steps to track the Voter ID card application status on the NVSP portal.
- Open the mobile app on your smartphone.
- There is an Explore menu item on the bottom left side of the mobile app screen.
- Click the Explore button to view links for different features.
- You will find two important links.
- Status of Application
- Check the Status of Grievance
- Click on the “Status of Application” link to check the status of your filled application form.
- On the next screen, enter “Reference ID” and click the “Track Status” button.
- Application status will be shown on the screen.
If your application status is SUBMITTED, it means that your application has been approved and you are eligible to get a new Voter ID card. You may also find other types of statuses such as Accepted or Rejected, Field verified, or BLO appointed, etc.
NVSP Status tracking on the Saksham-ECI app
The Election Commission of India has developed a mobile app9, especially for people with disabilities (PwDs). This app offers customized services to all disabled citizens.
PwD citizens can apply for a new Voter ID card and check the status of their application. Citizens can download the Saksham-ECI app through the below links.
How to track the application status?
- Open the Saksham app on your smartphone.
- Tap the top menu to view all services.
- Tap the Status Tracking link.
- Enter your Reference ID on the Status tracking screen.
- Application status will be shown on the screen.
State/UTs Chief Electoral Officer website links
You can check the website links of all states and Union Territories in India. There may be more methods available on the state-specific CEO website such as application tracking through SMS. These websites contain information about the local interest, the Electoral Roll, and other local-level information such as election results.
NVSP Toll-free number
You can get help from the below helpline number.
1800111950 or 1950
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address: Election Commission Of India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001
Frequently asked questions
What is the EPIC number in NVSP?
EPIC stands for “Electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card”. It’s an alphanumeric 10-digit unique number written on both sides of your Voter ID card. The EPIC number simply refers to your Voter ID card number. If you are applying for a new voter registration then you will get your EPIC number after the verification[12].
How to find a reference ID on the Voters Service Portal?
If you have applied for any form such as a new Voter ID card or correction, migration in the card, etc then after the successful application submission you will get an application reference number.
You can check your reference number with the help of the below steps.
1- Login to the official portal.
2- Click the dashboard link
3- You will see all applied forms through your account. Now you can check the reference number of your form.
This reference ID is very useful and can be used to track the current status of your online Voter ID card application.
What is a Reference ID for a Voter ID Card application?
A Reference ID or Reference number is an important unique identifier for your application. Once a citizen submits a new Voter ID Card or correction or relocation-related application on the NVSP portal, a new unique reference number is generated and shared with the applicant. Applicants can use this reference number to check the Application status of their submitted application.
How can I check my Status on the NVSP portal if I lost my reference number?
It’s very easy, you must have your login credentials. Please log in to your account and visit the Dashboard page. In the section of the submitted form, you can check your reference ID. Once you find your reference ID, you can check the application status.
The process of checking the status is very easy and can be completed within minutes. We have explained all the steps thoroughly. We hope this article will be useful for everyone. Finally, thanks for reading this article.
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- “Voters’ Services Portal,” 2023, https://voters.eci.gov.in/ ↩︎
- National Grievance Redressal System, Election Commission of India, 2023, https://voters.eci.gov.in/home/ngsp ↩︎
- Election Commission of India, Guide to use Voter Mitra, 2023, https://voters.eci.gov.in/static/media/chatbot_guidline.c986138e61ac2142910d.pdf ↩︎
- “How To Register to Vote,” General Voter – Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation, Accessed: April 12, 2024, https://ecisveep.nic.in/voters/general-voters/ ↩︎
- Search in Electoral Roll, VOTERS’ SERVICE PORTAL, Accessed: April 12, 2024, https://electoralsearch.eci.gov.in/ ↩︎
- ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA, Election Commission of India gets ‘Award for Excellence’ for cVIGIL and Voter Helpline App, Updated: January 17, 2020, https://www.eci.gov.in/eci-backend/public/api/download?url=LMAhAK6sOPBp%2FNFF0iRfXbEB1EVSLT41NNLRjYNJJP1KivrUxbfqkDatmHy12e%2FzVx8fLfn2ReU7TfrqYobgInHMPt7fjQT5UaaPeUfq4UhGwJLOqfgNou4hxgR8hs1oDeOpGmHiN5J4rjE%2Fa0QWqwdVQvC3gn%2FCgbAm0Rxo4Yo%3D ↩︎
- Voter Helpline, play.google.com, Accessed April 12, 2024, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eci.citizen&hl=en_IN&gl=US ↩︎
- Voter Helpline, apps.apple.com, Accessed: April 12, 2024, https://apps.apple.com/in/app/voter-helpline/id1456535004 ↩︎
- Saksham App, Election Commission of India, 2024, https://www.eci.gov.in/saksham-app ↩︎
- Saksham-ECI, apps.apple.com, Accessed: April 12, 2024, https://apps.apple.com/in/app/saksham-eci/id1497864568 ↩︎
- Saksham ECI, play.google.com, Accessed: April 12, 2024, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pwd.eci.com.pwdapp&hl=en_IN ↩︎
- Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi, e-EPIC Frequently Asked Questions, https://ceodelhi.gov.in/PDFFolder/2021/e-epicfaqs.pdf ↩︎

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